
The composition tab of a group makes it possible to view, edit and parameter the members and subgroups of the group, as well as define how users may joint it.
Members, teams, Sessions… This section displays a table that lists the current members and subgroups of the group.
The display bar makes it possible to:
- display only subgroups, users, teams, sessions or all types
- display all descendents, or only direct children
A filter tool makes it possible to add filters, for example on location or associated activity. TODO: what filters are available?
The gears icon gives acces to a menu where the user can change what columns are being displayed.
Using the left column, a subset of the list can be selected, on which actions can be performed, using the bottom row: printing a notice (for sessions), exporting the selected groups, merging two groups, removing groups, or moving them to another group.
Add subgroups Add a subgroup by first selecting a type. It opens the create group page, with the type and parent prefilled.
Organize a session to constitute this group This will create a subgroup of type session, with a specific flag that says people who will attend this session will be automatically added to the group. TODO: reduce risk of confusion with creating sessions without that flag?
Invite members Different ways for people to join can be enabled in this section.
Import members from a CSV file