
The file taskSettings.json contains information about the task it is present in, such as its components or its evaluation parameters.

It is used mainly by the genJson tool to generate the defaultParams.json file. It is a JSON object containing key-value pairs.

Example (other examples can be found in the examples folder):

"sanitizer": "tests/gen/sanitizer.sh",
"correctSolutions": [{
    "path": "$TASK_PATH/tests/gen/sol-ok-c.c",
    "language": "c",
    "grade": 100

The following list is the list of keys it accepts.

generator, sanitizer, checker

The keys generator, sanitizer, checker specify the path to each of these three components of the task, relatively to the task path.


The language of the sanitizer and the checker is normally automatically detected from the file extension, but can be specified manually with these two keys.


These keys specify the dependencies needed for each of these three components of the task. Each object is a fileDescr as defined in the taskgrader's schema_input.json.

Note that the generator dependencies are normally automatically detected, if they are in the same folder.


This key specify the folder, relative to the task, to scan for extraFiles, that is to say, test cases given as-is, without generator.


This key is a list of glob-style filenames to ignore while scanning for test cases. These test cases will be ignored by genJson, and thus not be used for evaluation.


This key defines the "correct solutions", which are solutions which will be automatically evaluated against the task by genJson, when generating the defaultParams. They allow to test the task is behaving properly. It is a list of objects, each having up to 4 keys:

Key name Type Description
path required string Path to the solution
language optional string Language of the solution
grade optional int or int list Average grade expected for this solution; if list, average grade for each subtask
nbtests optional int Number of test cases this solution is expected to be evaluated against


Any key name starting with "default" will be copied as-is to the defaultParams.json file. Please check its documentation for more information about these keys.


This key defines parameters to override in the generated defaultParams.json file. The keys of this object will be copied as-is to the defaultParams, possibly overwriting automatically generated ones.