Further information

How does it work?

Here's a description of the evaluation process that taskgrader does, managed by the function evaluation(evaluationParams).


Each execution is the grading of one solution against multiple test files. For each execution: Test files corresponding to filterTests are selected, then for each test file: It passes first the sanitizer test Then the solution is executed, with the test file as standard input and the output saved Finally the checker grades the solution according to its output on that particular test file

filterTests is a list of globs (as "test*.in" or "mytest.in") selecting test files to use among all the test files generated by the generators, and the extraTests given. One can specify directly test files into this array to use only specific ones.

Evaluation components

The evaluation is made against a task which has multiple components.


The generators are generating the testing environment. They are executed, optionally with various parameters, to generate files, which can be:

Some of these files can be passed directly in the evaluation JSON, without the need of a generator.


The sanitizer checks whether a test input is valid. It expects the test input on its stdin, and its exit code indicates the validity of the data.


The checker checks whether the output of a solution corresponds to the expected result. It expects three arguments on the command line:

All checkers are passed these three arguments, whether they use it or not. The checker outputs the grading of the solution; its exit code can indicate an error while checking (invalid arguments, missing files, ...).


Various tools are available in the subfolder tools. They can be configured with their respective config.py files.

Creating a task

taskstarter.py helps task writers create and modify simple tasks. This simple tool is meant as a starting point for people not knowing how the taskgrader works but willing to write a task, and helps them through documented steps. It allows to do some operations in tasks folders, such as creating the base skeleton, giving some help on various components and testing the task. This tool creates a taskSettings.json in the task folder, that genJson.py can then use to create a defaultParams.json accordingly. Read the "Getting started on writing a task" section for more information.

Preparing a task for grading

genJson.py analyses tasks and creates the defaultParams.json file for them. It will read the taskSettings.json file in each task for some settings and try to automatically detect other settings.


The taskSettings.json is JSON data giving some parameters about the task, for use by genJson.py. It has the following keys:


The defaultParams.json is a task file giving some information about the task, must be JSON data pairing the following keys with the right objects:

Grading a solution

stdGrade.sh allows to easily grade a solution. The task path must be the current directory, or must be specified with -p. It will expect to have a defaultParams.json file in the task directory, describing the task with some variables. Note that it's meant for fast and simple grading of solutions, it doesn't give a full control over the evaluation process. stdGrade.sh is a shortcut to two utilities present in its folder, for more options, see genStdTaskJson.py -h.

Basic usage: stdGrade.sh [SOLUTION]... from a task folder.

Exit codes

The taskgrader will return the following exit codes:

Internals (for developers)

evaluation is the evaluation process. It reads an input JSON and preprocesses it to replace the variables.

Each program is defined as an instance of the class Program, that we compile, then prepareExecution to set the execution parameters, then execute with the proper parameters.

Languages are set as classes which define two functions: getSource which defines how to search for some dependencies for this language, and compile which is the compilation process.

The cache is handled by various Cache classes, each storing the cache parameters for a specific program and giving access to the various cache folders corresponding to compilation or execution of said programs.

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