
In this platform, users may ask for help on a given activity. Only users who have already solved that activity (or have solution access to the activity) may see the question. Further restrictions may apply based on the user’s own request (or the teacher?) such as only users from a given group, or only admin users, being able to view the content of the discussion.
Discussions may still be displayed to other users (so that they see that there is activity), but these users won’t be able to open them.
The discussions displayed are specific to the item currently selected, and filtered by the group currently selected in the tab.
Other filters may be added, such as a filter by date. [TODO: design the filters] G. Need precision on the filters
For each discussions, we show:
- The status of the question (resolved or not)
- The author, the other participants, and the number of messages
- The date of the question [will be relative when recent: 2 days ago, etc.]
- Is it restricted to a group of users?
- What item is it about, in what parent item?
- For activities: does the attempt at solving this item have specific options, such as a programming language?
- How many hints did the user obtain, how many attempts at solving the task? (or how many activities solved related to this skill)
- What’s the validation rate/status?
For discussion about skills, the goal is ask more general questions about how to get better at this skill.