(doc about adding a new domain to an existing instance is below this page)
Creating a new instance
This document is mainly a memo for not forgetting steps when trying to install a new instance (db + backend + frontend), it barely explains the reasons behind these operations. Reasons have to be found in the project repositories directly, in ops best-practices, or in my head🤷‍♂️. Many of these steps may only apply if you do the same kind of setup as ours (very AWS specific).
- create a new certificate in the same region as the load balancer (+ TXT entry in the DNS to validate it)
- create a new DNS entry to the load balancer
Run the following action as a db admin. I suppose the new instance is called “myinstance”.
Create the user/database
CREATE USER 'algorea-myinstance'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '...';
CREATE DATABASE algorea_myinstance;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON algorea_myinstance.* TO 'algorea-myinstance'@'%';
Create the db schema:
If you do not have a running DB, install the schema on the backend and run migration (see “Seeding the database” section of the backend README).
Otherwise, you can copy another instance schema:
mysqldump --no-data --triggers --routines --events --add-drop-trigger --no-create-info --no-create-db --skip-opt -h <HOSTNAME> -u <ADMIN_USER> --protocol=TCP <EXISTING_DB_NAME> -p > db-schema-dump.sql
Search and replace <ADMIN_USER>
as trigger definer, to algorea-myinstance
. Then:
mysql -h <HOSTNAME> -u algorea-myinstance --protocol=TCP algorea_myinstance -p < db-schema-dump.sql
Creating initial data
Note: If you have followed the “Seeding the database” section of the backend README, some of the following operations may have already performed by the “install” command. This command does not do all the job currently, it probably needs to be improved a bit.
Create the default groups
INSERT INTO `groups` (id, name, type, description, is_open, is_public, frozen_membership) values (2, 'TempUsers', 'Base', 'temporary users', 0, 0, 1);
INSERT INTO `groups` (id, name, type, description, is_open, is_public, frozen_membership) values (3, 'AllUsers', 'Base', 'AllUsers', 0, 0, 1);
Create supported languages for items
INSERT INTO LANGUAGES VALUES ('en', 'English'), ('fr', 'French');
Create the initial item and set it as the root activity for the groups
INSERT INTO items (id, type, default_language_tag) VALUES (1, 'Chapter', 'en');
INSERT INTO items_strings (item_id, language_tag, title) VALUES (1, 'en', 'Root chapter (rename me)');
UPDATE `groups` SET root_activity_id = 1 WHERE id IN (2, 3);
INSERT INTO permissions_granted (group_id, item_id, source_group_id, origin, can_view) VALUES (2, 1, 2, 'group_membership', 'content') ;
INSERT INTO permissions_granted (group_id, item_id, source_group_id, origin, can_view) VALUES (3, 1, 3, 'group_membership', 'content') ;
Create an initial “admin” group
INSERT INTO `groups` (id, name, type, is_open, is_public, frozen_membership) VALUES (5, 'Platform admins', 'Other', 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO permissions_granted (group_id, item_id, source_group_id, origin, can_view, can_grant_view, can_watch, can_edit, is_owner) VALUES (5, 1, 5, 'group_membership', 'solution', 'solution_with_grant', 'answer_with_grant', 'all_with_grant', 1) ;
INSERT INTO group_managers (group_id, manager_id , can_manage, can_grant_group_access , can_watch_members) VALUES (3, 5, 'memberships_and_group', 1, 1);
Recompute computed (cached) values for relations and permissions
Run on the backend: make db-recompute
First login
Once your first user has signed in, add him as a manager of group 5
INSERT INTO group_managers (group_id, manager_id, can_manage, can_grant_group_access, can_watch_members) VALUES (5,<new_user_group_id>,'memberships_and_group',1,1);
(find the the group_id
of the user using SELECT group_id, login FROM users WHERE temp_user = 0;
Then, the user can add himself (using the app) in the managed group to get the other access.
In the config, change
(should be on the same domain to use cookies)itemPlatformId
(for communication with tasks)oauthClientId
(for communication with the login-module)defaultActivityId
if you have followed the steps abobe)title
Compile for prod
Compilation has to be done one language at a time as the build override the previous build (language).
What follows make some assumption about the deployment (using S3) that should be described in another doc.
ng build --configuration production-en --base-href / --deploy-url //assets.algorea.org/deployments/myinstance/en/
aws s3 sync ./dist/algorea/ s3://algorea-static/deployments/myinstance --acl public-read --exclude "*/index.html" --cache-control 'max-age=86400' --profile ...
aws s3 cp ./dist/algorea/en/index.html s3://algorea-static/deployments/myinstance/en/index.html --acl public-read --cache-control 'max-age=300' --profile ...
ng build --configuration production-fr --base-href / --deploy-url //assets.algorea.org/deployments/myinstance/fr/
aws s3 sync ./dist/algorea/ s3://algorea-static/deployments/myinstance --acl public-read --exclude "*/index.html" --cache-control 'max-age=86400' --profile ...
aws s3 cp ./dist/algorea/fr/index.html s3://algorea-static/deployments/myinstance/fr/index.html --acl public-read --cache-control 'max-age=300' --profile ...
AWS Lambda & ALB
For static and backend: change the config, save to a new version, update/create the alias, restore the initial config.
In EC2, create a new target rule for the lambda alias, enable multi-header on the backend target
In EC2/ALB, copy the other rules to match the hosts.
A new domain for an existing instance
- Add the new callback urls in the login module config
- Make sure the ALB directs correctly the requests
- Make sure the HTTPS certificate supports this domain