03.Activities_02.Participation_a.Users situation (group)
<< Skills group progression (details view) | Users situation details (group) >>
The activity progress tab is very similar to the skill progress tab.
In the top part, we show a graph showing the evolution of the validation rate over time.
Right below it, we have a tool to go back in time, or even “replay” the participations.
Some options are always visible:
- Display all users that are descendants of the group, all teams, all sessions, or just the direct subgroups.
- Display the data as a chronological list (not shown here), or in organized by items in a 2D table
An alternative (better?) design for these options is visible in the (sessions page)[03.Activities_02.Participation_g.Sessions]
Extra options can be set in the “Customize” menu:
- Display only users who started
- Display detailed views
- Display the summary of each item, when available
- Display the content of the submissions (in chronological view only)
In the top-lef corner of the 2D table, the button lets us switch the columns/rows
Clicking on a cell shows a bubble with details and choices:
- Time spent
- Number of messages in the discussion forum
- Number of hints obtained
- Number of submissions
- Date of validation (or last activity that improved the score, if not validated)
- Access to manual validation (if manual navigation is enabled for this activity)
- Access to the details (see below)
- Access to the history of the activity of this user on this task (see below)
In the grid, the validation rate indicator shows the current score in gray, and the score at the selected time in orange.
This design is missing the links to export / print the data, that we have in the (sessions page)[03.Activities_02.Participation_g.Sessions]