
In the content tab of a skill or activity, there may be a number of different sections:
- if it’s a skill or chapter, and one is available, a large image representing the item
- if it’s a skill or chapter, and if there is one, a presentation text
- if the item has prerequisites, a list of these prerequisites and the current statuts: TODO: should probably be somewhere else, especially for courses and exercises.
- if it’s a chapter, an statement indicating how to validate it. TODO: what about for exercises? should it be shown only for new users, as a notification that can be closed, and be available when clicking on the score ring, for example?
- if it’s a chapter or skill, the list of its children, presented as a list or as tiles, depending on the settings
- if it’s a skill, a list of parent skills
- if it’s a chapter that has public attached sessions, or private sessions that the user is already registered for, the list of these sessions and the user’s registration status for them.