03.Activities_00.Header_c.Team registration

<< Access to activity: start contest (teacher view) | Team registration: change team >>
For some activities, participation may be done as a team. Users need to select one of their existing teams, join an existing team, or create one.
[TODO: design when the team is not selected / created / joined yet]
Before the activity is started, a reminder of the composition of the team should be displayed, including the qualification status of each team for this activity. A button to go to the team page should be available.
If the team can’t start yet, a section below shows why. This section should be shared with other reasons why an activity can’t be started, such as prerequisites not being validated, or the activity not being opened yet.
Not specific to teams: when the user (or his team) can start the activity, we display a section “Start”, with some information to read before the activity is started. This information could be some generic reminders about the conditions of the activity, or the regulations for this activity, with a link to the detailed ones. We may add checkboxes where the user confirms that he agrees to all these conditions. This could be shared with what a user may have to agree to before joining a group.