We display scores obtained on exercises unsing a ring that goes from 0 (nothing) to 100 (full circle).
The ring can be displayed in different sizes.
At the center, we may show the value itself, or an icon.
When the exercise has not been opened at all, there is no visible ring at all.
When the exercise has been opened at least once, we show a light gray ring (or darker blue on a blue background).
The main color of the partial ring that represents the score is determined by this score, with thresholds that may depend on the exercise: red, orange and green (for increasing values of the score).
Optionally, we can provide a second score, which is used when we view a score from the past (the second score being the score in the present), or maybe if we show the score for an attempt (the second score being for the best attempt). This second score is always equal or larger than the first score, and is represented by a darker gray part of the ring.
When the inside is not a specified icon, the center may contain a red cross for 0, a number, or a green checkmark for 100.