00.Global_03.Search_a.Advanced search
![](/algorea-designs/img/00.Global_03.Search_a.Advanced search.png)
In advanced search, we start by indicating what we are searching for (skill, activity or groups/users)
We then can add filters on:
For all types:
- the value of one of the fields
- one or more skills/activity/groups we search within (it searches within the intersection of these items)
- one or more skills/activity/groups it must contain
For activities and skills
- skills that are prerequisites of it
- what did a group or user do so far on it
For activities
- an activity that unlocks it (?)
- skills that it contributes to
- groups that have a session on it (we can select a group, indicate a date/time interval, and potentially other options such as a price)
For skills
- skills it is a prerequisite of
- activities that contribute to it
For groups
- skills or activities that it has validated
- date/time interval, price, …